
Let's Talk Candles

What You Need To Know Now

By Shannon Williamson March 21, 2018

I no longer own candles. I keep the battery-operated ones on hand in case the power goes out.

Diffusing has taken their place and the benefits to our health and home are crazy awesome (and ahem, no more fire hazard!).

That being said, I know there are many readers who cannot imagine life without candles. So, if you MUST, here is a rundown of the most popular types of candles and my thoughts on what I believe to be the best option (based on my un-scientific research).


Paraffin wax is a non-renewable wax created as a byproduct of petroleum, coal or oil shale.

Paraffin is highly refined and treated with chemicals to force it into something that passes as a usable product.

Paraffin is not hypo-allergenic and not great for people with allergies, asthma, or other chemical sensitivities.

Some studies are showing that paraffin candles are as dangerous to the lungs as second-hand smoke. The more candles we burn, the more the harmful effect is multiplied. That’s because when burned, paraffin releases benzene and toluene – both known carcinogens.


Soy is a better option than paraffin BUT even a 100% soy wax candle must be processed with a small amount of paraffin. Potentially burning a 100% soy candle will release small amounts of the carcinogens and toxins found in paraffin.

Sadly, most soy candles on the market are not 100% soy, and therefore contain a high percentage of the poisonous paraffin.

And if it matters to you, more than 90% of soy is genetically modified! GM soy crops are heavily sprayed with toxic pesticides, causing harm to both the harvesters and the soil.

So, if you’re buying soy candles, chances are you are supporting the product of GMOs, which devastate our environment and health.


Beeswax candles do not contain the harmful chemicals found in paraffin and often times, soy candles.

Beeswax candles burn clean with little smoke when trimmed properly, as they are not oil-based.

100% beeswax candles are natural, undergo no chemical processing and are biodegradable. Beeswax candles burn clean with little smoke when trimmed properly as they are not oil based.

100% beeswax candles are natural, undergo no chemical processing and are biodegradable. 


If you want to burn a candle, use beeswax with a lead-free wick.

Wait what? Yes, you must make sure even the wicks are safe! Burning candles with lead-cored wicks are now known to cause lead poisoning! Make sure all your candles have lead-free wicks (such as cotton).

After all of that, understand that any type of combustion will cause some level of particulate pollution in the home.

Have I convinced you to switch to diffusing yet?

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