
Managing Big Emotions

Tangerine to the Rescue

By Shannon Williamson May 31, 2018

Tangerines and emotions

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of emotion is as follows:

“A conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body.

Emotions. We all have them. And even though they are like clouds that come and go, sometimes they just feel like too much.

The more I spend in relationships, the more I realize that this is a huge struggle for many. Where are these feelings coming from? What is their trigger? When will they leave? How can I overcome? Am I the only one? 

A simple Google search will reveal thousands of suggestions on what to do with difficult emotions. But did you know that essential oils can help with emotions? 

In my opinion, this is where oils shine. They are so much more than a way to make your house smell good. Essential oils can actually delete negative programming in your cells and restore them back to their original state. Applying oils can help you work through stored traumas which can bubble up at the most inopportune times and create emotions that we don’t understand. 

There are oils for just about every kind of emotion, but do you know what oil keeps popping up over and over in my research? Tangerine.

Surprising, right? 

Here are just some of the emotions that Tangerine essential oil supports:



·Spontaneity (lack of)

·Overly serious




·Lack of joy



·Lack of cheer


Imagine what a few drops of Tangerine essential oil in your water each day could do for you!? Or rub it on your wrists, or diffuse in your office. The cool thing about oils is how versatile they are. Just get them on and in you, and they’ll do the rest. 

Having emotions is part of being human but there are ways for us to support and manage them. Using essential oils has been a personal game changer for me, who used to struggle with dark feelings. This is no longer my story, but I know it is for so many. 

If you’re interested in learning more about oils and emotions, contact me at

To learn more ways to support your emotions and health, join us on Facebook at Chasing Wellness:

To purchase Tangerine or any other essential oil, visit: