
What's Lurking in Your Home?

A Chemical-Free Life

By Shannon Willamson July 19, 2018

What’s lurking in your home? 

In a recent article, I wrote about the three most toxic products in your home:

1.    Dryer sheets

2.    Air fresheners/plug-ins/candles/Febreze

3.    All-purpose household cleaners


With a close fourth being laundry detergent.

And yet there are so many more products we willingly bring in our homes that are slowly poisoning us and keeping as below the wellness line (just look around; how many people do you know living vibrantly healthy lives?). 

We first need to truly understand the problem before we will be motivated to take action on the solutions. So, let’s start with some stats that might cause you to sit up a little straighter:

“Stay-at-home men/women who work from home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who don’t work from home.” Source: 15-year Toronto Indoor Air Conference study which was done back in 1990 (so it would be far higher now!)

“Our kids today are exposed to more chemicals in ONE day than our grandparents were in their entire lives.” 

“In 2017, an estimated 1,688,780 NEW cases of cancer were diagnosed in the United States and 600,920 people were expected to die from the disease.” (American Cancer Society).

“Toxic chemicals in household cleaners are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than air pollution.”

“Deadly fumes result from mixing ammonia with bleach, both found in many household products, creating lethal mustard gas.”

“Except in the case of food, drugs, or pesticides, companies are under NO legal or regulatory obligation to concern themselves with how their products might harm human health.”

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. 

What you may not know is that the FDA doesn’t regulate what is on the shelves at your local Walmart, Target, Safeway and even Costco. 

Not even close.

In fact, the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 grandfathered in an estimated 65,000-100,000 chemicals currently on the market today. These chemicals have not had any safety testing and we know very little information about their effects. 

Of the chemicals tested, toxic labeling is required only if 50% or more of the animals tested with a chemical die.

Shocked? I was too. Isn’t the FDA supposed to be protecting us? Yes, they should but they don’t, because they’re supported by big businesses which line their pocketbooks with the dollars we spend on cheap, yummy-smelling, brightly-colored products that appeal to our senses but do nothing for our health and wellness.

In a nutshell, the FDA allows the funk in most household and personal care products, so it’s now our job to take matters into our own hands. 

What to do? In the next eight weeks, I’ll be offering SOLUTIONS to this massive problem. I think you’ll be surprised at how easy it is!

To dive into chemical-free living NOW, join us on Facebook at Chasing Wellness:

For a free private coaching session on detoxing your home, contact Shannon Williamson at:

To purchase the BEST chemical-free cleaning products, visit: