
Just Mean Sorry

Words to Lose to Strengthen Your Outcomes

By Shannon Williamson October 4, 2018

The three words you don’t need to say

I’ve been listening to several podcasts lately on women and business. I do this when I’m driving to pick up the kids at school or folding laundry. Small windows of time to learn something I can take into my work or home life.

Something I heard recently totally resonated with me and caused me to start really thinking about the words I say and what those words say about me. 

So besides working on your handshake (firm it up; a limp handshake speaks volumes about your confidence (or lack of)), check your language!

Too often, us women start our sentences with the following words:





·“I just thought, maybe we could talk about a pay increase for me?”

·“I mean, I sort of don’t like it when you speak to me that way.”

·“I mean, can't you just switch schedules with me?'

·“Sorry, but can I ask a question?”

One of the best things you can do is remove those fillers and just say what you want/need with CONFIDENCE (even if you don’t feel it). Pay attention to how often you say Just, Mean, and Sorry this week and then try to remove them. What you might find is powerful.

Sister, you are strong and capable and WORTHY. Speak with confidence about how you feel and what you need/want this week and beyond. I’m rooting for you!