
DIY Dishwasher Pods

A Clean Chemical-Free Way to Wash Dishes

By Shannon Williamson, Chasing Wellness February 2, 2019

DIY Dishwasher Pods

It’s pretty normal now to read ingredients at the grocery store before you put an item in your cart, but what about the products you’re using on your body? Or to clean with? 


Studies have shown that what you wash your dishes with leaves a residue that you are ingesting. But it doesn’t take a study for me to know this is fact. My dishes SMELL like what I wash them in. And if it has a synthetic fragrance or sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or dyes, etc.? Houston, we have a problem!


Making your own cleaning products could NOT be easier and this is one of my favorites! Give it a whirl. You’ll love how clean your dishes are without the toxic yuck.

DIY Dishwasher Pods 



·1 C washing soda

·½ C baking soda

·1/2 C citric acid

·¼ C salt

·¼ C white vinegar

·Essential oils 


1. Mix washing soda, baking soda, citric acid, and salt together.
2. Add most of the white vinegar slowly. It will bubble up quite a bit so let settle before continuing.
3. Once mixed, QUICKLY spoon into silicone ice cube trays.
4. Sprinkle a bit more white vinegar to give it a some more dampness.
5. On each pod, add 1-2 drops of Orange, Lemon, Purification or Thieves essential oil. *
6. Let sit for 4+ hours to firm up.
7. Remove and store in container.
How to use:
Place 1 pod in dishwasher dispenser and run cycle. Enjoy the smell and peace of mind!


*Note: Not all essential oils are created equal. It is CRITICAL that you use pure oils as most are adultered and filling with ingredients you do not want on your face or in your bloodstream. I highly recommend Young Living essential oils because of their ethical standards and commitment to beyond-organic purity.

For more fun recipes, check out my Personal DIY Recipes group on Facebook:

To purchase any of the essential oils mentioned here, visit:

Comments or questions? Contact Shannon at