
Daily Affirmations

What Are You Saying to Yourself?

By Shannon Williamson, Chasing Wellness March 14, 2019

This one thing changed my life

I say affirmations when I shower.

I say affirmation when I dry my hair.

I say affirmations when I’m in the car, when I’m grocery shopping, when I crawl into bed at night.

I teach my kids how to say them. 

Friend, what you speak over yourself matters.
It sets the tone for your entire day.
It changes things.
It makes things happen (good or bad). HOLD UP! Think about that for a second.

What you speak over yourself, about others, about certain things in your life make them HAPPEN.

Do you wake up and say ‘Ugh, I’m so tired.’ Ok, you may be tired but you’re certainly going to stay that way if you keep that on repeat.


How about, ‘I have too much to do today!’ Yep, you do. And you probably won’t get that much done.

Do you ever say this? ‘I’m an idiot’ or ‘I’m so stupid.’ Ever hear your kids say that? Neither is true but we so easily speak that over ourselves. Is that going to spark creativity? Problem-solving? The desire to try again? Nope. You’ll probably be more likely to plop on the couch and watch Netflix in defeat (nothing against Netflix!). :P 

What about, ‘Nobody cares about me.’ First, not true. But second, think about what kind of energy you’re sending off to people. They won’t be drawn to you, that’s for sure. Which then perpetuates that feeling.

I used to say crappy things to myself, but no more. Cancel, cancel, delete, delete.

Here are some daily affirmations you may want to consider:

“I have all that I need to make today a great day.” 

“I am filled with energy every single day.”

“I am, and always will be, enough.”

“Every challenge I face is an opportunity to grow and improve.”

“I have the courage to create positive change in my life.”

“I let go of old, negative beliefs that stand in the way of my success”

This easy habit has literally changed my life. 

Do you say affirmations? 

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