
DIY Hair Growth Help

Mermaid Spritz

By Shannon Williamson, Chasing Wellness March 28, 2019

Top essential oils for hair growth

One of the most comment questions I get asked is if there are essential oils for hair growth. I love it because my answer is an emphatic YES! 

So, write this down or take a screen shot. Your top hair growth oils are:

  • Cedarwood
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary

You can add these oils to your shampoo and conditioner, make a DIY spray with equal parts of essential oil topped with distilled water and witch hazel, and/or put a drop of each into your mascara tube!

The amazing thing is that these oils also smell AMAZING, so it serves as a SAFE DIY perfume as well. #multitasker

Hair growth, or rather, hair thinning, could be a result of many different factors, but the two typical root (no pun intended!) causes are hormones and lack of sulfur. What? Yes, we are seriously lacking in nutritional sulfur due to the depletion of key minerals in our soil. Because of this, the body will pull from non-essential areas such as our hair to obtain the sulfur it needs.

So, what do you do? You need to supplement with nutritional sulfur, and I have had GREAT success with a product called Sulfurzyme. I take 3-4 capsules a day and the new growth on my head is crazy! Note: nutritional sulfur is NOT sulfa, which is a common allergy. They are not the same but still consult your doctor if you are concerned.

We all want to keep our full heads of hair as long as we can! Try adding these oils and Sulfurzyme to your daily routine and see if you don’t get the mermaid hair you’ve always wanted 😊 

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*To purchase the essential oils and products listed in this article, visit: